Global Script
The Question Component requires JavaScript for form validation and displaying Tooltip Elements. To use the validation and tooltips through the global ACCESS NYC Patterns script use the following code. A selector targeting the form should be supplied as the first argument to the .valid()
method. The second argument should be a function which handles the form data when it passes validation.
<!-- Global Script -->
<script src="dist/scripts/AccessNyc.js"></script>
// Instantiate validation with a selector and submit function
access.valid('#your-form-selector', function(event) {
// Add your submission handler here
access.tooltips(); // Instantiate tooltips
This will instantiate form validation and tooltips. Validation messages will appear when the user leaves a required question blank, enters an incorrectly formatted answer, or tries to submit the form without filling out any required fields.
Module Import
The form validation source exists in the NYCO Patterns Framework. Install the @nycopportunity/patterns-framework
module to import the module.
import Forms from '@nycopportunity/patterns-framework/src/utilities/forms/forms';
let form = new Forms(document.querySelector('#your-form-selector'));
form.submit = (event) => {
// Add your submission handler here
form.selectors.ERROR_MESSAGE_PARENT = '.c-question__container';;
Follow the Tooltip Elements documentation for importing the Tooltips module script.