As of January 3rd, 2023 the ACCESS NYC Pattern library package is deprecated in favor of the NYC Opportunity Standard which contains updated user interface elements and usability guidance.
Web Share
The Web Share Component invokes the native sharing mechanism of a device (if supported), allowing users to share on the platform of their choice. For browsers that do not support the Web Share API a custom fallback is displayed to allow users to copy the link, share on Facebook or Twitter.
<nav class="c-web-share"> <button aria-controls="web-share-fallback" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-small btn-primary" data-js="web-share" data-web-share="{"title":"ACCESS NYC","text":"Find help with food, money, housing, and more on ACCESS NYC","url":""}"> <svg class="c-web-share__icon icon-ui"> <use xlink:href="#icon-ui-share-2"></use> </svg>Share </button> <div aria-hidden="true" class="c-web-share__fallback color-info-status hidden:fadeInUp animated hidden" id="web-share-fallback" role="region"> <div class="c-web-share__fallback-body"> <label class="c-web-share__label" for="web-share-url" tabindex="-1">Share this URL</label> <input class="c-web-share__input" data-copy-target="web-share-url" id="web-share-url" name="web-share-url" tabindex="-1" type="text" value="" /> <button aria-pressed="false" class="c-web-share__item c-web-share__copy btn btn-small btn-primary" data-copy="web-share-url" data-js="copy" tabindex="-1"> <svg class="c-web-share__icon icon icon-ui" tabindex="-1"> <use xlink:href="#icon-ui-copy"></use> </svg> <svg class="c-web-share__icon icon-pressed icon-ui me-1" tabindex="-1"> <use xlink:href="#icon-ui-check"></use> </svg>Copy URL </button> <a class="c-web-share__item btn btn-small btn-primary" href="" tabindex="-1" target="_blank"> <svg class="c-web-share__icon icon-ui"> <use xlink:href="#icon-ui-facebook"></use> </svg>Facebook </a> <a class="c-web-share__item btn btn-small btn-primary" href="" tabindex="-1" target="_blank"> <svg class="c-web-share__icon icon-ui"> <use xlink:href="#icon-ui-twitter"></use> </svg>Twitter </a> </div> </div> </nav>